Certification classifications
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Content/data last updated: 23-Jan-2025 |
Certification classifications |
The ActivFire® Scheme extends across a broad range of active fire equipment for industrial, commercial, institutional, residential and domestic application. Products are processed according to their certification classification and verified as complying with relevant standards, technical specifications and/or the requirements of recognised conformity assessment bodies. Certification classifications are non-hierarchical groupings of products according to the source or process from which conformity has been verified. They also enable the progressive migration of products, as the scope of our accreditation is applied and extended. Two (2) certification classifications are proposed, the definitions and scope of which are described as follows: Listed Body Approval: Listing and registration of products, verified by the conformity assessment scheme, as meeting specified requirements which are not included within the current scope of JAS-ANZ accreditation or which are in the process to being migrated to product certification standards which are included within the current scope of JAS-ANZ accreditation. Recognised Body Approval: Listing and registration of products, verified by the conformity assessment scheme, as meeting specified requirements based upon recognition and evidence of verification of conformity issued by a recognised conformity assessment body.
The listing classification also enables ActivFire® to appropriately determine the scope and requirements for product surveillance as applicable to each product listing.
ActivFire® will determine and advise which certification classification is applicable during the "pre-application" or "application" stage of a submission.